With every news channel flooded with the different view points of all of the hopefuls running for president of the US, I think it's time that a different voice is heard.
Perhaps the voice of the current Iranian president. That's right everyone - there's a new blog in town - and it's Mahmoud Amadeinejad's - the tolerant Iranian leader.
I only read a little last night, and already I've learned so much.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Mr. President
Posted by
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
google chat:
12:07 PM "NAMELESS FRIEND": i can wake board but have never been snowboarding...i heard it's similiar
I need to think of something to do for new years
12:09 PM Me: I was thinking of going somewhere...we should go on a new years road trip. or fly to LA for new years or NYC....or stay and snowboard....something exciting
12:11 PM Me: or maybe i'll stay home alone and watch the ball drop :)
12:12 PM Me: as I watch my tears fall.... :)
12:13 PM Me: as the tears fall............................................................................
12:14 PM Me: "all by myself, don't want to be all by myself, anymore, anymore, anymore"
5 minutes
12:19 PM Me: "One is the loneliest number
That you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one
No is the saddest experience
You'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience
You'll ever know
Because one is the loneliest number
That'll you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number
That you'll ever know
It's just no good anymore
Since you went away
Now I spend my time
Just making rhymes
Of Yesterday
Because one is the loneliest number
That you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number
That you'll ever know
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
That you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number
Much much worse than two
One is a number divided by two
Posted by
Friday, November 16, 2007
Soul stirring. And they threw flowers.
I sang along to most of their songs like a boy band fan. I was in the
section I would normally try to be hip be cool -aka totally stoic and
unaffected- but I danced and sang along anyway.
Because I couldn't not. (I know at least one person who is cringing at
the grammatic issues in that sentence)
It was a great night.
A good friend + sushi + one of my top 5 bands = a very enchanting
Posted by
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Shakespeare always says it best.
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
As You Like It Act 2, scene 7, 139–143
I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano;
A stage where every man must play a part,
And mine a sad one.
Merchant of Venice Act 1
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Friday, November 09, 2007
Trucks + Boy Eats Drum Machine = fun
better than well tequila, but they all burn when they go down...
Posted by
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
When I was in 3rd grade I remember being befriended by this brown hair boy. I think his name was Nick. Anyway, It was a big deal to have him be my friend, because when I was in 3rd grade I didn't have many friends. Especially not friends like Nick. Nick was one of those charismatic kids that was friends with everyone, and could get away with anything - even befriending the class nerd. I was so happy. He talked to me and played and we even passed notes. He got my jokes and it was great. We laughed a lot.
Well, one day, not realizing that the level of friendship he had with me was the same as everyone else's - nothing special. I decided to pass him one of THOSE notes. You know the notes with the check boxes: yes, no, maybe?
I thought I was going to finally have a boy want to "go out with me" (looking back I can't believe 3rd graders "go out") so I took out my pink pen and wrote the words you can't take back:
I like you, do you like me? Yes, No, Maybe (please check one).
I was hopeful. I took a risk.
I folded up my note like a triangle and wrote on the outside to: Nick from:Teresa and passed it to him under the table.
I saw him unwrap the folded paper and read it as his face turned red. He quickly checked a box and re folded and addressed the note. When he passed it to me I held my breath. I hoped, I hoped and I opened up the note. The box checked was no. My little 3rd grade hands quivered a little. I barely held back the tears and ran to the bathroom. I waited until the ugly cry subsided and came back out into class. The room was filled with ribbing and knowing glances and giggles. I felt rejection and humiliation in a way my little child heart had never known before that point. I knew my friendship was over with Nick.
Looking back to that situation, there are many things I'd like to tell my 3rd grade self. I'd like to tell her about all the boys that will like her and pursue her someday, I'd like to show her pictures of the places that she'll go that she only dreams of and tell her stories of how some of those that mocked her ended up (that's pretty petty though). I'd like to comfort her with tales of men's magazine editors and the rich and the glamorous people that she'll make out with, and date and meet. I'd like to sit her down and tell her about the days in the future when she's a flight attendant and hit on all day by guys much better looking and just as funny as little 3rd grade Nick.
But I wouldn't want to tell her about the emptiness she'll feel after she makes out with one of those random glamorous dudes. I wouldn't want to tell her about the places she'll go that she dreams about - she goes usually alone and never with a hand to hold.
I don't want to tell her that still, over years later at 31 years old when feeling like she is totally fine, secure, confident and happy - she will find herself repeating the same old tired 3rd grade story all over again. Only instead of a note it's a instant message and a email.
That's pretty much the only difference.
How's that for a little Wednesday night vulnerability...:)
-----yes, yes, I may delete this when I think better of it-----
Posted by
Thursday, November 01, 2007
would you guess?
If you guessed $25 you would be the big winner!!! I on the other hand
am not the big winner. ;)
Also, I'm eating at the California pizza kitchen where, they do not
serve pizza. But chili cheese fries and tuna salad they do have. You
silly LA airport! Keeping us guessing....I think the crying during the
book I just read gave me the worst headache known to man....the $25
medication is worth it.
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Hour one update-
I have not seen any movie stars, which is just as well, since the last
time I ran into a celeb at LAX I was a bit rude without meaning too...
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Flying thru the past
So I just finished flying on my first paid flight on the airline I
used to work for. First off it was a bit odd flying on the plane I
worked on for a year non-stop. Its been 2 years (which is wierd)
almost exactly and it was exactly the same - the placards and
everything. ;) I felt like I was commuting to work like back in the
day. I almost jumped up and help serve the drinks.
The amazing thing us even though its been 2 years, and there are
HUNDREDS of flight crews, I was excited that I knew a couple people on
the crew, on quite well. It was so great to talk to them, and they
were really, really sweet! I hung out on the plane a little after and
helped clean up and do the seat belts up.
It was like old times... kind of makes me miss it a bit, but its easy
to only remember the good times and forget the bad.
They even gave me a large bottle of water to take with me, which is
So its 7:45 now, I only have until 1:45 am for my next flight, so I
have a few hours to kill -if anyone has any suggestions for a fun
night out at the lax airport, feel fee to leave a comment. Mexico -day
of the dead- awaits.
-courtesy of the iPhone!
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