Saturday, December 16, 2006

Starry Night

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah...

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya...

Portion of Hallelujah -by Jeff Buckley

I was driving home from a Christmas tea - and listened to this song on repeat - it was a version on a Starbuck's CD - Lifted (preformed by Rufus Wainwright). It is on repeat now.

This portion of the song is such a strong visual for me. I pictured the moment, like I was writing a film.

A scene in a movie - a lonely, emotional King David - pondering the stars. Glancing over to Bathsheba on the roof - perhaps she bathed there every night. On her roof. This time, the full moon shone - revealing her. A private moment - soaking in the stars - she worshipes the stars, the God, missing her husband - a husband she didn't even know. She stares up at the moon, the stars - floating in a tub - a pool, alone. Not knowing that cataclysmic love/lust was in a seed form, about to change her life and end a life.

Was she so enraptured with the moon and the stars that she was didn’t notice David looking on? What did was she thinking about as she stood revealed, under the moonlight?

The stars have been such a powerful force for me.

A picture of God. A photo of wonder: The stars from Mt. Hood as I stood on my ski’s, the moon reflecting off the snow; The stars from the beach – standing on the edge of the pacific – in Oregon, in Costa Rica – different stars – different skies – but the same feeling – of peace and of longing for more as the stars reflected of the ocean; The stars as I climbed Mt. Sinai on a camel- like a Christmas postcard with silhouette’s of the camels against the sky in front of me.

On my last trip I was at a Bedouin dinner in the desert of the Sinai Peninsula. I wandered away from the fire, the candles and the group. I walked away - and stood staring at the stars. Alone.

I wish I could have taken a picture that would have captured the way the sky looked that night. The stars covered the sky. The desert hills in the foreground, silhouette against the still night. I felt so small and was captivated. Time froze, my mind wandered. God, love and hope felt real and tangible. For a moment, I felt peace.

Is that how she felt?

Under a sky like that, it seems as if anything could happen. It seems ok to be alone, it seems fitting to stand still with no one else around.

This is why I travel. I travel to leave the land which is so bright with its own light; you can never see the stars. I travel to visit lands where you can look up and see shooting stars. Where I can be anyone I want – and where life seems a little more profound.

I wonder if she stood on her roof, bathing in the moonlight – in one perfect moment, one moment of peace before her world was turned upside down and inside out – and prayed? Were her prayers answered?

Did she know that everything was about to change?

It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelu...
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelu...
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

Portion of Hallelujah -by Jeff Buckley

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Red Sea

Poster Girl for Team Zizzou
Click on the above picture to go to a slide show of my Red Sea Snorkeling experiance. Taken by Big Blue Diving. I almost died.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Click on the picture above for a slide show of my trip to Egypt. Because I lost most of my pictures, (see post below for details) most of these are from my friend Sarah Nashif. To find out who took the picture,during the Slide show you can click on a picture that will take you to a page that shows you the details of the picture - if on the left hand side the tag says Sarah - then she took it. If nothing, then I did.

I will seriously post more about my trip, but in the meantime, I'll let the pictures do the talking.


Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm Home!!

I'm home and working on recovering the rest of my pictures.

I will post more about my trip in the coming days. But the dark day of the trip is what I call the great erasement of 2006, when I accidentally re-formatted my memory card and erased 423 pictures from the first 2/3'rds of my trip. This was a dark day.

The darkest day was the day I returned and found out that if I would have used my other memory card I could have recovered all the pictures. My friend is still trying for me to see if he can get any of them.

Until then you can find some of my pictures on my flickr site from the last 1/3 'rd of the trip.

I'm still praying for the rest.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Egypt Part 1

So I'm here in Egypt, It's so surreal!!!

I would love to post some pictures up here - but I had the grand idea NOT to bring my USB cable for my camera - so unless I find one out here (not likely) I'll post pictures when I get back.

This is an amazing place - contray to what I thought when I left - it is much safer than any other place I've visited in the past - it should be with all the police around carrying semi-automatic wepons.

It really is a different world than the states in so many ways - but yet they do have McDonalds and Pizza Hut.

When we first landed, after bargining for a taxi, we drove into Cairo - the sun was setting over the city - it was a color I've never seen before in the sun - like a burnt reddish orange - the sun was also bigger than I've ever seen it - well we think it was the sun - we also thought it might be the moon.

The city was seeped in sepia colors while people rushed by in birkas and head coverings - and men wore long dresses (I don't think they call them dresses though). It was crazy rush hour traffic - with 4 cars across 2 lanes. It was a circus.

We crossed the Nile and came to our hotel - very nice - and met our tour group. It's a great group of Aussie's, English, South Africans and we're the only americans - it's a accent wonder land. I love hearing them all speak. Everyone is in their late 20's, except one young one. And I'm the oldest at thirty, which is grand. I love being the oldest. We all had dinner and got to know each other. We also got to know the cats - there are cat's everywhere, kittens too. The walk between your legs at the table and it is a bit disconcerning when they start fighting next to you, it does keep the mice and rats down.

The first full day we rode camels to the see the pyramids and the sphinx. Camels are very high, and pretty daunting - but it was amazing. It was all so amazing. To walk in the small passage way's in the pyramid while the guide points out where booby traps are is like being in a movie. Indiana Jones to be exact.

After touring that area, we parked our camels and went to the Egyptian Musem - it was educational - I learned that pretty much all they really great stuff - except for King Tut's treasure - is in England, Germany and the Vatican. But they still have the largest collection. The mummies were creepy and I didn't like looking at them. Like little monsters.

We took the night train down south to Aswan that night (a town on the nile north of Sudan) This was the worst night train I've ever been on. First of all the train went slower than the horses that passed us, secoundly the bathroom was HORRID, a nightmare, thirdly - none of us could sleep a wink. We just groaned as we waited for the night to end. forthly,the train would just randomly stop. My cabin was the americans and the English in my cabin - we ended up playing cards until we got to our destination - but before everyone else got up, I walked to one of the big windows and watched the egyptian world go by, it's like living in bible times agian. With women carrying baskets on their heads, men riding by on Donkey's, stone houses with grass roofs, it was like a bygone era. The only sign that it was today, was the random truck and the satalite dishes at every home.

When we arrived at our hotel - we all went straight to the pool - as the call to prayer sounded through the city. I leaned over the 5th floor railing of the hotel, where the pool was and watched the people walk to the local Mosque. Then I realized that I was wearing a bikini - and that might not be the best thing...So back in the pool I went. As the call to prayer echoed in the backround, I floated in the pool staring at the sky.

Later we took a boat to see the Temple of Isis in a light show. It was boring, but beautiful.

Today, we woke up at the crack of dawn, 3am, to take the military convoy to the dessert to see the temple Abu Simbel - it is formidable.

We're just relaxing now, preparing to go to the Nubian village, to see the school, and meet the locals. Then we're going to eat dinner, dance and party with the Nubians and they will give us henna tattoo's.

Coming up in the next few days we are going to go on a sailboat down the nile for a few days, then I hope to take a hot air ballon over the Valley of the Kings. After that - we have no idea.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


First of all - All my links vanished. I look like a rookie with my edit-me's.

Oh well.

Also, I leave at the crack of dawn, to the land of the sphinx. I will be gone from the 17th to the 2nd of December.

If you know my cell phone - don't call me while I'm away; but feel free to text message me - as texts are free to receive and don't cost very much to send back from Egypt.

I hope I don't die.

20 Things that can kill me while I'm away:

1. Small brown Scorpions
2. Viper snakes
3. Cobra Snakes
4. Poisonous Spiders
5. Crocodiles
6. Suicide bomber
7. Other forms of terrorist attacks
8. Crazy – murderous cab drivers
9. Plane Crash
10. Yellow Fever (I didn’t have time to get the shot)
11. Malaria (ditto)
12. Bird Flu (ditto again)
13. Boat crash
14. Train Crash
15. Car Crash
16. Stuck in Pyramid
17. Crazy climbing Pyramid falling accident
18. Red Sea Drowning
19. Collapsed tunnel in underground temples
20. Police Chase – because that’s how I roll.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Blogging agian

It's been a while, but starting today. I'm blogging agian.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." Oprah Winfrey

I'm listening to Ms.Hill by Talib Kweli on repeat. Bouncing to the beat. fantastic. The hook is beautiful.

I agree.

I'm trying not to procrastinate - working on a exciting project. I'll write about it later I suppose, but I don't want to jinx it. For this project I am rehashing stories of travel and working in the airline industry. But I need a break, diversion - so here it is:

I had a memorable weekend. I turned 30 - the best birthday of my memory. A crazy party friday night - a wild mix of people, pinata's, food & Drink. I stood back a few times and watched friends I haven't seen for years, and friends that are a part of my daily life - and I was so grateful. No one from my family called or wrote- but with friends like I have...To those that threw the party for me - I don't think I can even communicate how greatful I am. I will carry that night with me.

I got some great loot :) I love that moment when you open a present - and you know the person that gave it to you knows you. I didn't have any of those "DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?!?!" moments. You know, when you've hated coffee your whole life and a lifelong friend buys you a years worth of ground coffee beans.

Saturday was - ahhh...nice and sweet. Late breakfast with a good friend, lazy day reading...perfect. At midnight, I sat upstairs and accepted my fate as I moved into my 30's. Someone else's birthday raged below me. Someone much younger.
I love it. I wouldn't be 20 or 24 agian. I am ready to let go of my 20's. But I still want people to think I look 25. I still like that. I am a girl after all.

This decade is shaping up quite nicely so far.

Sunday night one of my roommates, Jamin - friends Laura, and Rosilyn thru me a intimate, fancy desert sit down. I blew my candles out and ate homemade cake. They gave me 30 individually wrapped presents. I felt so loved.

So that's it. I'm 30.

I'm off to NYC next week. I can't wait. It will be my first time in the city while I'm in my thirties.

"I'm thirty years old, but I read at the thirty-four-year-old level." - Dana Carvey

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I've been sick :(

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Cable Guy

About a year ago I was helping a friend move into their house. He was having some problems with his new cable box so the cable company gave him the cable guys cell phone number to come back and fix it.

Because I had my cell phone handy we programed the number into my cell. We ended up calling him and he was annoyed and a little frustrated with us. Our interaction was short and packed with negative emotion, yet our connection will last a lifetime.

I never erased the number - It's in my phone now - no name, just Cable Guy.

As a the kind and generous soul that I am, I've tried to include the cable guy in all my adventures.

I text him on all major holidays. I text him pictures of my travels(empire state building, Niagra Falls, band pictures, etc) and stories of embarassing moments. At first he would text back "who are you?" but now it's just an occasional "what the hell is going on"

When I'm feeling blue, I text him and let him know I miss him. When I have exciting news I'll text him the info. I've really endevored to make the cable guy part of the ride I call life.

In a moment I'll text him and let him know that I'm thinking of him this memorial day, perhaps I'll include a picture of bbq chicken.

Let this story inspire you as well to adopt a cable guy into your texting life.

My 26th Birthday!!

I turn 30 in 2 weeks.

I'm already starting my panic attack.

I may start lying about my age now.

Just between you and me, if anyone asks I'm 25.

On friday a 21 year old thought I was younger than him. So I think I'll get away with it.

25 remember!

I turn 26 in 2 weeks!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Stream of Consciousness

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." -Jack Kerouac

(listening to White Plains by JVslice - live)

The above quote is on a magnet on the fridge downstairs. Last night, I went downstairs at 4am to get a drink of water and I stood reading it over and over...So there I stood at 4am in my pink fuzzy robe and my glass of water - for some reason the quote made me want to dance, always makes me want to dance. So dance I did - I set down my glass of water - neglected my much needed (pre monday morning) sleep. I arabesqued, dancing Demi-Pointe, I Pirouetted across my kitchen and felt free. I can only imagine any of my four other roommates coming downstairs at this point to use the restroom. That would have been a better story.

I miss dancing, the only moment I ever feel totally free is spinning and jumping on a wood floor with music blaring. And that's been years past by me....I'm so out of shape and ill balanced.

If I could be anywhere at this moment I would be on empty wooden stage with a single spotlight blinding me from seeing past the stage. Music would be loud and overwhelming. I would be barefoot in a simple cotten dress and I would begin to dance - improve and free. Maybe that's what I'll do for my 30th B-day instead of a party.

Right now I write in my room. I never turned my light on so as the sun has come down there is just the glow of my laptop. It hits a section of my dark pink wall and glows. Minutes ago I was listening to David Bowie and making shadow puppets of devil horns and rabbits agianst my wall. Try it next time you listen to David B. The pink walls had a erie look to it when attacked by shadow bunnies while Moonidge Daydream played on.

Last night I saw live soccor for the first time. Portland won agianst Toronto. Go Portland! It was fun watching the Timbors Army chant songs and go crazy when we scored a point and Timbor Jim sawed off a piece of wood.

It rained so hard on the way home.I don't know if I've ever seen anything like it here - and in Portland that's saying a lot. It was like the rain was making up for the last few weeks of crazy hot temps - wow. It rained so hard you couldn't see in front of you with the wipers on high. There was lightning and thunder. It was glorious - well for those of us in a car.

Since I last updated my blog I've sold merch for Bryan Free at one of the best show's I'VE EVER SEEN!! He totally upstaged the headlining band at the Crystal Ballroom. Screaming fans. Crazy beautiful rock and melodies. I watched the show in awe and speechless (which says a lot when coming from me). It was a mad rush at the merch table - I adored every second of the mayhem. The girls standing in line for him to sign cd's. Perfect.

light from heaven


I went to my one of my best friends, Jake's, wedding.

Jake & John

I am so happy for him - I think he got more than he deserves from Lisa and he is pretty lucky.


It was a sweet, simple and beautiful wedding. There was the near miss when he almost choked on communion.

My responsiblites were picking up the crazy amount of cases of beer and wine and setting it up, and buying ice. Easy right? well not when my car broke down and I tried to fix it. I changed the Fuel Filter. An hour before the I was supposed to be at the wedding with the alcohol, I stood at my care with oil and fuel covering my arms and face. The car still wasn't really fixed = because it turns out I still need a new fuel pump - but I cleaned my self up and managed to clunk over to the wedding just in time. The key word is clunk.

I saw the Derby show at Dante's. It was a great show, I had a creepy 4ft tall - bald - forty year old - bug eyed - stalker, but it was a good show so that made up for it.

Derby - in Motion

I went with one of my friends, Noemi.

Noemi and I

It was a blast.

Looking ahead: Hanging out with some flight attendant and pilot friends on Tuesday, Fixing my car on Wednesday, Bryan Free @ Holocene on Thursday, Crosstide @ Doug Fir on Friday (post manicures and pedicures!!), Friends Greek Wedding on Saturday, Sunday - Monday (?) Maybe a little music festival with Beck????? A busy week - I CAN'T WAIT!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I lied

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

new entry

I will be posting another entry tonight. This will include pictures from Bassbousa and Bryan Free's show last night at the Crystal Ballroom - All I have to say on that now -BRYAN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Enchanted Forest

Originally uploaded by FlyingWaitress.

Today is Laura Bisbee day, and to celebrate we went to the Enchanted Forest!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I'm not bragging - but I am thankful! - oh it's a long one. Vunerabilty personified.

Jessica, JV and Me
Jessica from Wooden Wand - Taking Pictures of John Vanderslice and I


So for the record - I may have my own life issues, and icky times - but I am a really lucky person. This is a long post - so you can break it up over a few days if you want - here it goes (Marisa - I'll understand if this is too much!)

There have been many things in my life I've wanted to do or people I've wanted to meet and I have been blessed to not only have that opportunity but to have really great experiences. (well aside from Vince Vaughn - but honestly - to be mocked by him is almost better than being chummy)

I remember being in high school and sitting in my living room at my parents. I was watching Bill Clinton inauguration and inaugural ball. I quietly told myself, or prayed that someday I could go to a ball like that. Here I was a young teenager, on welfare, flunking out of school- I had few friends (thanks for being one of the few, Bonnie)but someday I knew I would be able to attend that event.

Fast forward to 2000. I was laid off from work for the summer, barely any money - living off unemployment, and volunteering at church - I offered to fly with my friend Sarah to help her move to D.C for school - some how raised the money for the trip and knew that since it was the same time as the inauguration that somehow I would go to the ball. I brought a ball gown, shoes, jewelry - the whole bit. My friend made fun of me a little I think. But while at lunch in Alexandria, VA sitting in the same restaurant where George Washington ate, (well, according to the tourist board) my friend Sarah got the call that we were not only going to the inauguration - but all the events surrounding it - ball included. Regardless of politics - or future problems with that president - it was a honor to be there for such a historical moment - and I was tearful as I walked the red carpet wearing a sparkling gown.

I stood at the doorway to the magnificently decorated ballroom - and soaked in the moment - so that I would never forget that no matter where I came from anything was possible.

There have been many moments since - moments in Europe and in Costa Rica with monkeys, Party's in NYC and LA, When I met my favorite Screenwriter/Director in NY at the New Yorker festival - Wes Anderson - It was only a 5-10 minute conversation - but it impacted me - not because he was a idol or something - but because he was real and although super cool(with amazing blue eyes) it hit me that he was just a person that pursued his dream - and so could I.

I am thankful - Maybe it's just the writer blood in me - I want to experience everything and every place - so I search it out - perhaps it's not luck or being blessed but just throwing myself out there with no regard to money so I can experience as much of life as possible. Perhaps I could lead a little more boring life but have a nicer car, and own a home. Perhaps I'm selling myself short in valuing experiences more than stability. Perhaps the reason I'm compelled to do these things is misguided...

All that to say - I'm thankful have had these experiences as well as the experience of traveling with MY FAVORITE MUSICIAN right now.

I mentioned a few posts ago how I went to a show in September where John Vanderslice played. You can read about it below. Summary: great show, listened to the music a lot since, etc.

I had the great pleasure of selling merchandise for him in Portland at the Doug Fir. He gives his fans the opportunity to sell for him - which is great. I had a great time and it reminded me of being a flight attendant a little - just meeting new people, answering questions but without the turbulence and listening to great music instead.

Great music:)

I'm Sorry I Used a Flash
I love how pissed they all look in this picture! :)

I was impressed with how unpretentious and fun all the guys in his band and crew are. Wow. What a great night - Dave Douglas on the drums made up a super fly dance - It exceeded my expectations of fun.

John V-slice has a reputation of being the "nicest guy in Indie rock" and he really is. I can say with all sincerity that not only is he kind, generous, professional and a great musician but the people that he surrounds himself with in his band, his Tour Mananger/Audio Tech (is that what their called?!?) - they are all super guys along the same vein.

I was given the opportunity to do more merch dates for him and the next week traveled to Columbus, OH via Buffalo, NY (thank you Jet Blue for a great flight - and special thanks to Michelle for making it possible)

At this point I don't know what to say, or what to share. I didn't have the wild crazy - rock - star - drunken - after - party's but I did have a fantastic time. I racked up 1650 miles on my rental car. I met some fantastic people, saw Niagara falls, got lost a few times :)

I don't think I've told anyone about the 2 hours it took me to find Niagara falls - when I was IN Niagara Falls, NY...oops - story of my life.

I had a great time hanging out with Jessica, James and Keith of Wooden Wand.

Wooden Wand part 2

They shared a suite with me a few nights - What a wonderful talk I had with Jessica while eating the worst breakfast of my life in Toronto.

I found the perfect red dress at H&M - the store of the gods.

kickin' it backstage with Jessica from Wooden Wand

You see, even though I don't have anything published I do consider myself a writer and someday I hope to have a screenplay produced and a book written - minimum. As a writer these are the moments I dream about - because while being lost for 2 hours looking for Niagara falls - those are the times I write in my head, while listening to music. Stories come alive.

A small part of the reason I was so keen to go on this trip for my vacation is I needed out - I need to get out of my stuff for a little - I figured that if I could just have a moment to breathe - to leave behind family "issues", My mom's sickness, my own sickness, the stresses life, etc - to take a week off. Then I could breathe deeply for once, ETC.

But the most important moment of the trip was when things all clicked for me. Sitting in a Cracker Barrel, eating potato casserole - I read a book that I threw in my shopping basket the day before I left. It was a memoir that seemed to tell my story. At first I was pissed - because she wrote it before me (Please Stop Laughing At Me By Jodee Blanco) but then I knew I was meant to read it. And I was meant to read it then.

After lunch, in my car, it hit me. The reason why I was obsessed with the things I mention at the beginning of this post, travel, new experiences, meeting cool people and why I was there in my car traveling from Columbus to Cleveland - There was one explanation. I went across the county to sell merch for my favorite musician - now don't get me wrong, I did it because I love it, and I love the music but I admit I am still trying to prove something. If I am accepted as an o.k. person by these people. I'm ok, right? I'm trying to prove something still.

To myself.

To the kids in 5th grade that threw my stuff on the floor, that teased me mercilessly thru all my years in grade school. I was trying to prove something to my friends in the 7th grade that told me they couldn't be friends anymore because I was keeping them from being popular, to the boys that never spoke to me - to my friends that would only be friends as long as no one else knew.

I thought I was over this. I mean, I did have some friends - I'm 29 I could care less what these people ever thought about me, right? Haven't I gotten over this yet?

But why did I cry when I couldn't make it to my reunion - when I couldn't prove to them that hey, I'm a cool flight attendant now, I've traveled the world - accept me now? I think it's interesting that I had to stop flying after that weekend stuck in Chicago while I wanted to be in Portland at my reunion in my cool expensive jeans. Instead I ended up sitting in a hospital alone while my friend forgot about me - mourning the loss of health that i'd taken for granted.

I listened to Life on Mars over and over in my car in that Cracker Barrel parking lot while I cried and I realized I hadn't gotten away from myself here. But I'd run right into the person I'd been trying to run from all these years.

I spent that week coming to terms with the fact I've lived my life the last 10 years for other people - to prove myself to people which probably don't remember me at all. I wrote a lot. I don't know what the next step in my life is - I'm turning 30 in a month, but I don't want it to be a part of a resume of "look at me now".

John Vanderslice, amongst a few other musicians, has been the music - since September- that I've used as the soundtrack to the screenplay I am trying to write. I've been listening to Pixel Revolt - his newest CD - everytime I write. Listening to him live every night - it was a muse to a new type of writing I started on this trip - writing for me not to come up with something perfect to show others - but for me.

I know this is a insane post - crazy long rollercoaster.

There is one thing that must be said - Thank you - Without sounding too cheesy...This is going to sound like a oscar speech - but I do think everyonce in a while you should thank those that matter...because you never know when that opportunity might pass.

Thank you to John V, David B, Dave D, Ian B and Dan B and Grant - for giving me the opporunity to get away from myself for a little bit - travel again and stay in hotels - I've missed that a lot. To get away from myself - but also to run into myself - thank you for letting me drive alone - to listen to music and to re-focus. This trip may have just been a blurp in the tour for you - but it meant the world to me - and it opened a whole new world for me, I want to do this again - sell merch for a band on tour.

Thank you to my friends - to Marisa, Peter, Bonnie, Beth, Michelle, Laura, Jamin, Jake, Marcia - all of you and others that have been around me on this journey over the last 1/2 a year since I stopped flying - and as I've been trying to find myself without the identity of "Flight Attendant". I know it has been a rough time for me, and around me and I appreciate your patience and your insight. (and putting up with me!!)

I have the best roommates ever - I don't think I could have made it thru the last year - or my time as a flight attendant without all of you - you have been my family, my support - you've teased me and made me laugh really hard - you've put up with the negative sides of my life with kindness and grace and patience - Jamin if you ever read this I mean you too. When I was spinning around the world - only landing for a moment - it was the three of you that encouraged me to stand still - if for a moment.

What a great trip
John Vanderslice & I - Picture by Jessica - Montreal
A great trip.


Originally uploaded by FlyingWaitress.

I promise to update later this evening.

I promise.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

John Vanderslice, Columbus - Montreal

John Vanderslice, Columbus OH
Originally uploaded by FlyingWaitress.

First of all - Pardon my pictures. I just got a new camera and I have NO IDEA what I'm doing!!

Just in case your wondering, I have a charmed life. This week I get to travel around and sell merch for John Vanderslice. I have had so much fun so far.

I'll try to keep everyone updated!!

I'm off to go swimming - indoor pool of course!!

Landon and Laura - Yummy Cookies!!

Landon and Laura - Columbus OH
Originally uploaded by FlyingWaitress.

I had the pleasure of meeting Landon and Laura in Columbus, OH at the John Vanderslice show - they brought the most AMAZING COOKIES!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

End of vaction...John Vanderslice...Pink doors.

Well, it was beautiful in Florida, warm and relaxing.

NYC was, well, NYC. Crazy, brilliant, fast, sleep deprived. I loved it. Not every second. I definitely had a couple moments, where I acted the part of the wide eyed naive girl in the big city. I believe the drink may have affected this. But anything can happen there, and there is always a new experience right around the corner.

My favorite thing to do in NYC is walk, listening to music and take in the city. I got back to the hotel one morning after going out all night, and threw on my running shoes, my mp3 player and walked. It was my last day there and I had enough cash for the subway ride to the airport and $.66 in my checking account. I grabbed a Raw Bar (lara bar - thank god I brought some along) and spent a few hours walking as the day came alive. That day literally cost nothing and was the most fufilling. My baby mp3 was filled with Calla, STARS and John Vanderslice. It was the perfect soundtrack for the city. NYC inspires me, drives me, dares me to try to make it.

I still hope that someday I can live there. In the far future maybe. I think I may be too laid back and content to make it in there. Maybe someday though...

I was happy to come home and sleep in my own bed.

Speaking of John Vanderslice (My favorite musician since I saw his show last September or was it Augest?), he is playing at the Doug Fir on April the 8th.It's going to be rad. Before I saw him play the first time, I hadn't even heard one song . I like music, but unless I am really familiar with someone's music, It's hard for me to really focus on it at a club. When he started playing I was in the back talking with friends. I was caught off guard and started to listen. The next thing I knew I was standing at the front transfixed. yep. He's that good.

I have to go now. It's time to paint my door pink.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

yikes...Spring Break?!?!

Highlights so far --

1) French Flight Attendant, " Why you do not check your bag, we are not weight lifters"

2) Hot Developer I got to talk with the flight to NYC

3) Hot buisness guy from NY that was waiting in JFK for his flight to San Fransico. All I remember (I was really, REALLY tired) was telling him to follow his dreams.

"If you could do anything what would it be?" I said to the rich, young finance guy.

"A writer"

"Do it. Follow your dream. you only live once"

"That means I'll be poor"

"oh, Well have a good life!" (i was kidding!!)

4) the 7 yr old twins from Vancouver BC I hung out with while waiting for our delayed flight. I was the same age as their mom, but who did I identify with?? They gave me a penny.

5) The grandma that sat next to me on my flight to Ft. Lauderdale. She spoke mainly in Yiddish but the english I could understand was very wise. "Honey, you need to marry a lawyer or a Doctor - that's what I told my girls - you have to be practical - you don't want to starve."

6) She asked if I was a red or blue state - I said purple - she and the surrounding rows of New Yorkers preceeded to lecture me on the fact that i'm the reason the country is in such disrepair.

7) Lunch in Ft.Lauderdale - 85 degrees and I'm eating Matza ball soup and meatloaf

8) sleeping off the meatloaf

9) Drinking with the hundreds of 21 year old spring breakers on the beach in FL.

10) Driving in the middle of the night with the windows down listening to Postal Service while watching the stars speed past.

11) Huge slices of NYC pizza on the beach for breakfast

12) getting excited because we think we saw a boy older than 22 on the beach. Leaving when we realized we were wrong and just don't want to hang out with the college kids and their wet tshirt contests

13) seeing the Girls Gone Wild tour bus pull up as we pulled out.

14) the warm wind blowing thru my fingers as we drive down the beach.

15) THE SUN.


Tonight - Miami South Beach - Tommorow - South beach.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Flying out tommorow night! sweet!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

FINALLY! a new post

it's been awhile.

I suppose i've been waiting for something to say.

listening to music right now, postal service, it makes me feel like writing.

It reminds me of a day....

I had just gambled away a large portion of my spending money at Casino Montecarlo. That however, didn't stop me from relaxing over a amazing (and amazingly inexpensive!) 3 course dinner at a nearby cafe. My travelling friend and I decided to take a walk to keep the drowsies from stealing away our time...the sun was about to set over the french riveira. My friend walked ahead, as she was more driven and purposeful. I wandered to the side of the cliff and looked over the lower part of the town, beyond the yachts and the cruise ships and waited for the sun to reach the water.

Out of the blue I heard windpipes playing amazing grace. I looked below to see, standing alone on the deck of a yacht, was a solitary bagpipper playing to the sun. As I looked over the water and let the sounds of the windpipe wash over me I thanked God.

For this was my dream, to see this place - amongst others- and here I stood. Amazing grace is right. For I did not deserve it but yet I was here standing in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

And the bagpipper played on. I soaked up that moment, for I knew I may never be here agian. I needed to take a inner photograph so at moments when I felt mundane and overwhelmed with the business of everday life, I could come back to this moment and re-live it over and over.

So now, as I sit in my room listening to music, I am back at the cliffs of Monte Carlo, Monaco; walking out of the dark train station into the sepia light of Venice with water surrounding me, standing at the banks of the north sea in St.Andrews, Scotland as waves crash agianst the stone ruins of what looks like castles and cathedrals, I am swing dancing in Paris in barefeet and later backpacking in pain for I skined the bottoms of my feet, laying on the hot beach in January while monkey's steal our cookies.

I have heard it said that travel is something you never regret. It is so true. For the times I regret is missed opportunites

Now, I need to buy a plane ticket and go see something I've never seen before.

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