Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Magnolia is one of the only movies I can watch over and over and over and over....

I just finished watching it again.


Paul Thomas Anderson is a genius.

I think Tom Cruise may have been playing himself. Just insert Scientology in replace of C--k.

I wonder if William H Macy and John C Reily are better actors because they use their middle initial - while most of us ignore ours. Would I be a better writer if I add my middle initial. It does make them seem smarter for some reason...

The frogs rock.

How did they get a cast where everyone acted spot on. No let downs.

I love that movie. Thank you Marisa for making me sit down and watch it with you back in 2002(ish). I am a better person for becoming addicted to that film.

On another note: I am going to hang out with some friends I haven't seen for years in a few minutes. Exciting.



Anna Broadway said...

It's so funny you mention that movie because, while I've never actually seen it (gulp), I love, love, love the soundtrack -- even included one of the songs on my BOOK soundtrack, in fact. Speaking of which, I'm running a little promotion on my blog, with a chance to win a free autographed copy of Sexless in the City. I wanted to tell you a little more about that, but what's the best way to reach you?

teresa said...

Hey Anna,

the best way to reach me is by email:



Lindserannie said...

What happened to the bubba? :(

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